motion design studio


Who We Are

At our core, we’re dedicated to assisting our clients in discovering the heart of their brand narrative, empowering them to boost sales, sway decisions, and foster comprehension. We’re committed to consistently seeking optimal avenues to ensure our clients receive exceptional service. Moreover, we’re devoted to ongoing learning across various sectors, enabling us to deliver cutting-edge, top-tier products that provide unparalleled value.

Combining live action and 2D animation has a number of advantages. It creates a dynamic visual experience that transcends reality, allowing creativity and imagination to infuse the narrative. In our collaboration with Sunbit, this innovative approach added an extra layer of depth and engagement to their message.
As with many projects requiring high quality illustration, we started working in parallel: on the one hand we developed rough illustrations and character designs, and on the other hand we created a storyboard for this film. It allows you to organize all the scenes of the movie in such a way as to make them smoother, as well as to think through each transition so that they are as harmonious as possible.
The basis of our creative efforts was to transform the main character into an illustrated character with a bright face and quick thinking. This metamorphosis symbolized the transformation that Sunbit can bring to a person’s financial experience – turning stress into ease, uncertainty into confidence. The actress, now animated, travels through a bright, colorful world full of obstacles that she easily overcomes thanks to the magic of Sunbit.

Our works

we specialize in crafting exceptional videos tailored specifically for you.

In an era dominated by remixes and recycled content, our custom-created videos offer a refreshing alternative. We understand that video is the future of marketing, and we’re here to simplify the production process like never before. Whether you have a clear vision or just a spark of an idea, Explainly is your go-to partner to bring it to life.


Our journey begins with an imaginative questionnaire and an initial discussion to set things in motion. Ultimately, our aim is to deliver a triumph for you and your organization through video production. To achieve this, it’s crucial for us to grasp your definition of success from the outset. Additionally, we’ll guide you through our tailored video management dashboard, ensuring clarity and addressing any queries you may have.

Moreover, we’re here to lend an ear if you’ve had a rough day and need to let off steam about the frustrations of traffic or encountering slower drivers after being cut off on your way to work.

Pre-Production Planning

We’ll meticulously craft a blueprint for your project, complete with a script, sketched storyboard, style frames, and options for voice talent. Recognizing that making decisions about revisions and approvals can be challenging at the project’s outset, we consolidate a comprehensive pre-production project proposal. This proposal elucidates the overarching vision for your project and preemptively addresses any potential obstacles that could disrupt our production timeline.

To ensure alignment with your expectations, we provide two rounds of revisions per deliverable. While we’re adept at video production, we value your expertise in your business. Hence, we welcome your feedback on what resonates, what doesn’t, or any additional elements you’d like incorporated, and we’ll diligently implement those changes.

Motion Design Manifesto

In the realm where visuals come alive and storytelling transcends words, motion design emerges as the vibrant heartbeat of creativity. It’s more than just movement; it’s the art of orchestrating emotions, captivating audiences, and shaping narratives with every frame.

In our world, motion design isn’t merely about aesthetics; it’s a powerful tool for communication and expression. We believe in the synergy of form and function, where every animation serves a purpose, every transition guides the eye, and every visual element conveys a message.

We embrace the ever-evolving landscape of technology and trends, constantly pushing boundaries and challenging conventions. Yet, amidst innovation and experimentation, we remain grounded in the timeless principles of design—balance, harmony, and intentionality.

At the core of our craft lies collaboration and empathy. We listen, we understand, and we translate visions into dynamic visual experiences that resonate deeply with audiences. Our process is iterative, our approach is adaptable, and our passion is unwavering.

With each project, we strive for excellence, aiming not just to meet expectations but to exceed them. We believe in the transformative power of motion, inspiring action, sparking imagination, and leaving a lasting impression on every viewer.

This is our manifesto—a declaration of our commitment to craftsmanship, creativity, and connection. In a world where everything moves, we dare to make it meaningful.

Contact us!


40 Tanners Way
Hunsdon WARE, SG12 8QF
United Kingdom


Martin Wilkinson

+44 2045770950
